Autonomous Crane Technology

Enhance your crane with Syracuse’s autonomous crane solution, transporting loads safer and faster than ever thought possible.

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Crane Technology Meets
Industry Challenges

The crane is the centerpiece of today’s construction process.

As demand increases and construction industrialized, cranes are utilized to their full capacity. This increases the dependency between crane efficiency and site productivity, and also creates safety hazards.

Syracuse autonomous crane technology makes your crane safer and up to 60% faster, enhancing productivity and profitability.

A Smarter Autonomous Crane

Not all autonomous technologies are created equal.

Syracuse Autonomous Crane Solution:

A dedicated crane technology utilizing the crane’s full capabilities, unhindered by human limitations, delivering the fastest hyper-efficient performance.


All the rest:

Autonomous crane solutions that “mimic” human operators, resulting in constrained operation, and limited improvements.


Benefits you can build on


Faster crane cycle times than ever before


Collision-free trajectory
and no operator errors


Improving project-level
productivity and profitability


Expand the boundaries
of your crane's performance

Enhance your crane with our autonomous technology.